What Is a Bone Graft? A Comprehensive Overview

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What Is a Bone Graft? A Comprehensive Overview

A surgical procedure that uses transplanted bone to repair and rebuild diseased or damaged bones is known as bone grafting. A bone graft can be done in order to restore bones almost anywhere in your body and help you relive your life without any hassle.

Types of Bone Grafts: Exploring Your Options

According to Bayside dentist the two most popular types of bone grafts are:

  • Autografts: Autograft is done by taking bone from the patient’s own body. Autografts in case of dental procedures are usually harvested from the jaw, hard palate, or the chin. If the size of the bone is not enough then the dentist in Bayside may take the tissue graft from the hip or shinbone.
  • Allografts: Bone used from a deceased donor is known as allograft. Proper screening is done for infections and diseases before the bone or tissue is used. The advantage is that there’s no additional surgical procedure involved in acquiring the bone.

Why Bone Grafting Is Performed: Key Reasons and Benefits

Periodontist near NY 11361says that bone grafting is needed for several reasons. If you lose your tooth because of severe gum disease then bone grafting is done. Bone grafting is done for dental implant procedure as implants require good bone volume.

Understanding the Risks of Bone Grafting: What to Consider

  • Bone graft rejection
  • Swelling and pain
  • Injury to nerves
  • rejection of the bone graft
  • inflammation

How to Prepare for a Bone Graft: Essential Steps

Your healthcare provider will have a thorough examination and will study your medical history to get this procedure done. Fasting is recommended before this surgery to prevent complications while you’re given anesthesia.

How a Bone Graft Is Performed: The Procedure Explained

The dentist will harvest a bone or tissue by doing an incision in the gums. Then the graft is attached to the bone. After the graft is placed, your gums are stitched up and the process of building new bone begins.

What to Expect After a Bone Graft: Recovery and Care

Follow these steps for quick recovery:

  • Don’t touch the wound
  • Avoid rinsing or spitting for 2 days
  • Don’t apply pressure with your tongue or fingers to the grafted area
  • Don’t smoke for at least two weeks