TMJ Therapy and Its Essential Role in Treating TMJ Disorder

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TMJ Therapy and Its Essential Role in Treating TMJ Disorder

Many people do not understand the importance of The Temporomandibular Joint as they don’t know its use, while some even don’t know what it is. The temporomandibular joint, also known as TMJ for short, is the joint connecting the skull to the jawbone and is in active use when you chew, swallow or talk. When something terrible happens to the jaw muscle or jaw joint, it is known as TMJ disorder. Disorders could often be caused by inflammation from arthritis, jaw overuse, or jaw injury.

Identifying Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

  • Ear, face, jaw, and neck pain.
  • Pain when chewing.
  • Headaches.
  • Locking of the jaw joint and restrictions when opening and closing the mouth.
  • Popping and clicking sound in the jaw when opening and closing the mouth.

Overview of TMJ Therapy and Its Effectiveness

When managing the pain in TMJ disorder, the TMJ Association recommends that a patient follow these essential tips for pain relief and keep a healthy mouth.

  • The patient should add an antiseptic mouth rinse to their daily oral care.
  • A sonic or soft bristle toothbrush is preferred in brushing the teeth.
  • When flossing the mouth, use a water flosser or rubber tip stimulator if you find it difficult to open the mouth.
  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • Learn good posture and practice it.
  • Avoid biting your lower lip or nails.
  • Reduce singing, yawning, and other activities that require jaw movement.
  • Eat only soft foods to help relax the jaw joints.

How Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Relieves TMJ Pain

A TENS unit is a device that is powered by a battery and transmits electrical current via electrodes when placed on an affected area of the skin. This device sends a low voltage electrical current that helps in pain relief of the jaw joint by blocking or changing the pain perception. It relaxes the specific muscles targeted, improve blood circulation, and stops the pain. This treatment is quite effective for patients suffering from TMJ disorders.

The Benefits of Ultrasound in TMJ Disorder Treatment

The therapist uses this method which is popular and has been very effective in pain relief. In this therapy method, the ultrasound produces a high-frequency wave that focuses on the TMJ joint to help relieve pain, improves blood circulation, and reduces swelling.

Trigger Point Dry Needling as a Solution for TMJ Relief

This is a treatment used by the physical therapist to target the trigger points in the muscles.

An evaluation of the patient’s upper neck, shoulder girdle, and posture is required to carry out this treatment effectively. This is because these areas are connected to the jaw joint.

The treatment is directed at some specific muscles in the joint that causes jaw misalignment. If the treatment is successful, the jaw will return to its standard functionality.

The Role of Face Massage in Easing TMJ Discomfort

The therapist uses a warm piece of cloth to apply heat to the outside of the jaw in the exact area of pain, then he/she would massage the jaw in a slow and circular motion. This would be repeated till the patient feel relief from the pain.

Important Considerations for TMJ Disorder Treatment

This is a low load exercise that an expert TMJ therapist teaches patients to relieves pain in TMJ disorder. The patient would open their mouth as wide as possible without feeling discomfort and use their hand to apply pressure to one side of the jaw, turning the jaw sideways. Next, the patient will move the jaw with the writing and applying pressure for 10 seconds. The exercise is again repeated on the other side of the jaw. The exercise should be done with several reps until relief is felt. The therapist would teach the patient other low load exercises like tongue movement, pressure on the chin, pen in mouth, and several others.

TMJ therapy is an essential part of handling TMJ disorder and its associated pain. You can get a therapist around your area by searching TMJ Therapy Near Youand book an appointment with a therapist or center close to you. If you live in Bayside or want a certified and experienced therapist to help with your pain, then you can get a dentist near baysideby searching TMJ Therapy in Bayside NY or TMJ Therapy Near Bayside to book an appointment.