Seven Essential Things to Know About Dental Bonding

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Seven Essential Things to Know About Dental Bonding

Do you have minor chips or cracks on your teeth? Well, our dentist may recommend dental bonding. Teeth bonding is a common procedure that is used to correct different dental imperfections and here are seven things you need to know about dental.

1. Dental Bonding: Ideal for Minor Dental Issues

If you have chips, cracks, minor discoloration, decay, gaps, and oddly shaped teeth, then the dental bonding is for you. The procedure is done to make minor changes to your appearance and shape of the teeth.

For severe dental decay, discoloration, or gaps, then the dental crowns and veneers can be used instead of the bonding.

2. Bonding vs. Crowns vs. Veneers: What’s the Difference?

Contrary to what people believe, veneers, crowns, and bonding are not the same procedures. They may address similar dental problems, but they are distinct.

Dental bonding is done by applying a resin to the teeth to repair the imperfections. Crowns and veneers, on the other hand, are made in the lab. Furthermore, they require your enamel to be trimmed off to make room for the crowns and veneers.

When it comes to durability, bonding can last for a maximum of ten years, while the crowns can be used for 15 years before they require changing.

3. Bonding Is a Non-Invasive Procedure: What That Means for You

The primary benefit of dental bonding is that it is a non-invasive procedure. Not only is the enamel not trimmed but also you may not need anesthesia unless you have decay that needs removing or your teeth need reshaping. The procedure is done in the following steps:

  • Teeth preparation is needed such as grinding and conditioning of the teeth to make them ready for the bonding material
  • The composite resin is applied to the teeth and special light used to harden it. The excess material is trimmed off and reshaped
  • The teeth are polished and smoothened to make them appealing

You need one dental visit and the procedure lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.

4. Potential for Discoloration: Understanding Bonding Material

Though the composite resin is tooth-colored, it can get discolored over time. The material is not stain-resistant and overconsumption of coffee, wine, tea, and cocoa can cause the material to stain. Unfortunately, once the bonding material is stained, you can’t whiten it as you would your natural teeth. You can either have the bonding replaced or opt to change to veneers or crowns which are resistant to discoloration.

5. Bonding Material Isn’t Permanent: What to Expect

As aforementioned, dental bonding can last for about ten years or less depending on how well you take care of them. You may need to have them replaced if they are stained or they chip.

If you want a long-lasting and more durable solution, then speak to our dentist about the available dental options.

6. No Special Care Required, But Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

You can resume eating and drinking immediately after the procedure. Since the bonding material fuses seamlessly to the teeth, you need no special instructions. However, it’s important to maintain proper dental hygiene by brushing and using mouthwash daily.

Avoid or limit food and beverages that can stain your teeth, and if you consume them, be sure to brush immediately. Don’t bite nails or hard objects with your teeth.

Make sure you come for your regular dental checkup and cleaning to remove any plaque buildup.

7. Insurance Coverage: Why Dental Bonding May Not Be Covered

A majority of dental insurance don’t or partially cover the dental bonding procedure as it is classified as cosmetic dentistry. It is crucial to speak to your insurance provider they cover dental bonding in Bayside, NY.

Key Takeaways: Summarizing What You Need to Know

Dental bonding has many benefits and is also ideal for most people such as those suffering from bruxism. But, on the downside, it doesn’t last for long and may not be suitable for severe dental problems. Before you decide to get dental bonding in Queens, NY, contact us or visit Bayside Family Dentistry and we shall guide you in deciding if bonding is for you or not.