Endodontics FAQs: Your Questions Answered

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Endodontics FAQs: Your Questions Answered

Teeth help in chewing food, speech, give shape to your face, and impact the overall health. That is why tooth preservation is paramount. If you have severely damaged teeth, there is no need to get them removed. With endodontics in endodontics in Bayside, NY, you can remove the infected pulp and save your teeth.

Why Choose an Endodontist Over a General Dentist?

A general dentist offers irreplaceable dental treatment and care. At times, however, you are better off consulting an endodontist in Bayside. If not convinced why you should see one, consider the following benefits:

  • Education and training. An endodontist completes two more years after dental school. During these years, the dentist pursues further education on endodontics. Tutors train them extensively on dental diseases affecting the pulp, nerves, roots, and interior parts of the tooth.
  • Specialized expertise. The endodontist mandate is to save patients’ teeth. They are specialists in endodontics techniques and procedures such as root canal. Furthermore, they are well equipped for the diagnosis and treatment of more complicated dental cases.
  • Cutting-edge technology. We use advanced and magnificent dental technology, e.g., CBCT, to offer customized dental solutions in saving your tooth. The technology aids our dental team to diagnose the cause of tooth pain. We get to the root cause and offer a timely solution.

When Should You Consider Seeing an Endodontist?

You can visit an endodontist if you experience:

  • Severe tooth pain while chewing or applying pressure.
  • Sensitivity or pain to cold or hot substances
  • Darkening or discoloration of the tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums
  • A chipped or cracked tooth

What Types of Treatments Do Endodontists Provide?

It is important to receive quality dental care to maintain a healthy mouth. Endodontics in Bayside offers top-notch dental treatment to preserve your teeth for a lifetime. Such treatment options include:

    • Root Canal.

Our dentist in Bayside, NY, removes the pulp if it is injured, infected, or inflamed. The pulp consists of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels. We will coat the area with a topical antibiotic to prevent reinfection. Next, we clean and disinfect the canal. Finally, our dental team fills and closes the canal with a tooth with a temporary filling. Once the tooth heals, we will place a crown or any other restoration to protect the tooth. Remember to clean and floss your restored teeth well.

    • Endodontic Retreatment

After the root canal, the teeth can heal improperly. Still, it may become painful months or years after treatment. If this happens, don’t panic, visit us for endodontic retreatment to preserve the tooth. During the retreatment, our endodontist reopens the tooth and removes the filling materials. We skillfully examine the tooth for any new infection, and the root canal procedure is repeated.

    • Traumatic Dental Injuries.

They mostly occur through accidents and sporting activities. The accident may injure the teeth, gums, and jawbones. If you experience dental trauma, seek emergency endodontics in Bayside, NY, immediately. With our advanced skills and technology, we will offer personalized treatment. The treatment plan varies on the type, location, and severity of the damage.

    • Endodontic surgery.

If the infection or inflammation persists after a root canal, our endodontist will recommend surgery. Advanced technology like 3D imaging allows us to view small fractures or hidden canals. The operation aids us to remove calcium deposits in root canals. Also, we can treat damaged root surfaces or the bordering bone of the tooth.

    • Dental implant surgery

If our dental team can’t save your teeth, it is extracted, leaving unsightly gaps. You may consider a dental implant surgery to replace these missing teeth. Dental implants are human-made teeth implanted in your mouth and jaw. We perform the surgery depending on the type of implant and the health of the jawbone. After the surgery, you can bite and chew properly. Furthermore, the implants keep your natural healthy teeth from shifting and help maintain a natural appearance.

Key Takeaways on Endodontic Care

An infected tooth can be a source of great pain, but you don’t have to extract it just yet. Visit Bayside Family Dentistry, and our dental team will assess your oral health and choose the ideal endodontic treatment.